We created some BLM logos and made them free for allWe took the iconic black fist logo that is traditionally used to represent the Black Lives Matter movement and put our very own creative…Oct 15, 2020Oct 15, 2020
The Emperor Paintings — A Personal Story Behind the WorksI painted this triptych entitled “The Emperor Paintings” in 2014, one of my last years living in my hometown. At the time I was not living…Jun 12, 2020Jun 12, 2020
Making a deal with the Devil, Or Not“Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray for those who suffer, for those who weep. If I may live another day I will feed the wolf of love who…Dec 19, 2019Dec 19, 2019
Twenty Nine Minutes, an accountI knew this demon was coming over to play so why did I think it was a good idea to come here?!Dec 19, 2019Dec 19, 2019
We had today, with all of its gratefulness, all day.“The essence of all beautiful art, all great art, is gratitude.”Oct 27, 2019Oct 27, 2019
A collection of words in Jefferson ParkOne of the greatest offerings that was gifted to us on this beautiful Autumn afternoon was the energy of excitement in the air coupled…Oct 20, 2019Oct 20, 2019
Light Falling Through The TreesI have abandoned Facebook. Well I, sort of, like abandoned Facebook. I am specifically referring to my personal page. The feed that I…Feb 1, 2019Feb 1, 2019
Whisky Drinking on a LakeWell, no matter what the discourse may happen to be anywhere in the world, it remains a beautiful place. I was fortunate to spend many…Nov 13, 2016Nov 13, 2016